Thursday, July 3, 2008

How Drunk Were They?

Wilkes-Barre Times. 1906-07-16

Ghostly Find in Police Raid

Allentown, Pa., July 16. While the guests made merry over her body, Mrs. Elizabeth Wolfe, aged 53 years, lay dead on the parlor floor at her home in this city early yesterday morning, having been killed by a fall against a stove after being pushed by her husband, it is alleged. Mrs. Wolfe had given a party and during the night she attacked her husband with a chair. In defending himself, he says, he threw her against the stove. She did not rise again, but thinking that she was asleep, the guests continued with the festivities until two policemen came to stop the noise. It was then found that the woamn was dead. Coroner Butz is investigating the case.

Nice. Well, it is Allentown, after all.

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